Wednesday 12 April 2017

Financial Advise

6 method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into it financial equivalent by Napoleon Hill 

The practical steps are

1) Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. Be definite as to the amount

2) Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire eg your time, energy

3) Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire

4) Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, weather you are ready or not, to put this plan into actio

5) Write down the clear, concise statement of the amount of money ywintend to acquire. Name time limit for it acquisition.

6) Read your writen statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Words Of Encouragement

We all have goals and aspirations that we constantly work towards. Nobody was taught how to dream, it is an innate ability within every human. But even though everyone has a dream, very few become a reality. Most goals suddenly change into the “if only...” statements. This is because every goal has to be tested by opposition and hurdles.

However, a wise man once said, “What holds us back is hardly what confronts us. Instead, it is what is within us”. This means what prevents people from living their dreams is not the situation they are faced with but because of certain things they did not deal with on their inside. Likewise in business, harsh economic weather among other things is rarely why businesses fail or never get started. The business person builds the business. The strength of the business is therefore dependent on his personality (the kind of person he has developed himself to be). It is therefore logical that he works on himself first!

Here are five reasons people settle for less rather than pursue their goals.

1. Fear:

Fear is unarguably the first on the list. Fear is a natural instinct that is implanted in humans to keep us away from danger. Unfortunately, it has become a restriction because very few people have learned to master it. Many people avoid starting a business because they are scared it will fail. But there are many businesses that started from the scratch and did not fail.

To handle your fear, you have to learn to stop running away from what looks scary. Do the things that make you afraid. Start with the little ones on the list and build your courage from the successes you record. Constantly reaffirm to yourself that what you feel is the usual feeling people have when they are trying out a new terrain. With time, you’d get familiar with it too.

2. Excuses:

This ranks second on the list. An excuse is a convenient way for us to absolve ourselves of the blame for a situation by implicating others. We declare that we are innocent and spotless while we point to others or things as the culprits of whatever happen to us. Interestingly, excuses are so cheap that everyone can pull one out of their pocket at a moment’s notice. You can literally have an excuse right now for something you can do but which you don’t want to. The fact here is that excuses are signs of failure. Hardly does anybody give an excuse for success.

To conquer habit of excuses, you have to remind yourself that you are responsible for everything around you. Constantly make decisions with the notion that you will not entertain any reason for failure.

3. Dependence:

Depending on others may work for a moment but the disappointment it will bring when expectations are not met can be massive. People have their lives to live and are not shareholders of your life. It is therefore strange to believe that they will take up your issue as their responsibility. Dependence robs you of your own initiative and power to change your own life.

To conquer dependence, all you need is quit and get busy for yourself. Quit waiting for that uncle of yours. Quit waiting for your distant relative. Quit waiting for the government. You have two hands like they do! Take control of your life and consciously mold it to your desired shape rather than leaving it to others.

4. Ignorance:

Nothing is as rampant among a group of people as ignorance. It is like bad breath. Hardly will the individual know it except he is told by others. This explains why people flaunt their ignorance with pride. Ignorance simply implies that you do not have enough and correct information. The best way to spot your ignorance is to know when what you know is not working. 
To overcome ignorance, it is a noble habit that you constantly seek enough information before you take any step. Invest in books. Surf the web. Consult with the experts in the field.

5. Procrastination:

Procrastination is leaving till tomorrow what you can do right now. Procrastination shifts responsibilities to create room for convenience today and overload tomorrow. The problem with procrastinating is that it robs you of the gift of time which it would have taken to execute another idea. It also increases the pressure that you will face tomorrow. It is a way of straining your tomorrow even before you step into it.

To overcome procrastination, you need to realize that you lose the effectiveness of result of everything you postpone. Make up your mind to start immediately whatever it is that you have planned. Begin the project now. Start the business now. Remind yourself of the need to live in the present by instructing yourself to “do it now”.

Ultimately, it lies in your hands to what extent you want to succeed. The power to decide how far you want to go is not in the hands of fate but your hands. In the words of Marjaan Saddiq, “fate only wins when you acknowledge defeat”. Refuse to settle for less. Dare for more. Conquer yourself and nothing shall be too big for you to defeat.